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Creating Collections


  • Method: POST

  • URL: /api/v1/collection/create_collection

  • Auth: API_KEY

  • Body Param:

    • collectionName: Name of the collection
    • contractAddress: Address of the collection. This parameter is required for non-Solana collections. For Solana collections, provide a verified collection address, if available.
    • chainID: Blockchain ID
    • network : Blockchain network
  • Note:

    • contractAddress is mandatory for all non-Solana collections. For Solana collections, this parameter is optional and can be provided if a verified collection address is available.
    • For Solana collections where a collection address is not added, use an empty string "" or "undefined" as the contractAddress.
    • The rest of the parameters are optional.
  • Response: "Collection Created"

Example Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
--data '{
"collectionName": "COLLECTION_NAME",
"chainID": "CHAIN_ID",
"network": "NETWORK"

NFT.Storage Upload API


  • Method: POST
  • URL: /api/v1/collection/add_tokens
  • Auth: API_KEY
  • Body Param:
  • collectionID: ID of the collection
  • file: CSV or JSON file containing tokenID and cid as per format (For Solana, the file should contain tokenAddress and cid)
  • Note:
    • For Solana collections, ensure the CSV/JSON file has fields tokenAddress and cid.
    • If the file contains duplicate cids then data cap usage will be calculated separately for each instance.
    • You can specify the token numbers as a range(like: Qm....,1-999) in such cases.
  • Response: "Tokens added"

Example Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
--form 'collectionID="COLLECTION_ID"' \
--form 'file=@"ABSOLUTE_FILE_PATH";type=application/json'

Viewing Collections


  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/collection/list_collections
  • Auth: API_KEY
  • Response: List of collections with their details

Example Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Viewing Tokens


  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/collection/list_tokens?collectionID=YourCollectionID&lastKey=CollectionLastKey
  • Auth: API_KEY
  • Query Param:
  • lastKey: ID of the last fetched token
  • collectionID: ID of the collection
  • Note:
    • The API wil return only 500 tokens of the collection at a time
    • Use lastKey as undefined while fetching the first page, and use lastKey as the id of the last fetched token in subsequent queries to get further tokens.
  • Response: List of tokens of a collection

Example Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

List API keys


  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/auth/list_api_keys
  • Auth: API_KEY
  • Response: List of API keys

Example Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Deleting API key


  • Method: DELETE
  • URL: /api/v1/auth/remove_api_key
  • Auth: API_KEY
  • Response: API key removed

Example Request

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Get User Balance


  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/user/get_balance
  • Auth: API_KEY
  • Response: User's balance

Example Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Get Deal Status


  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/collection/deal_status?cid=YOUR_CID
  • Query Param:
  • cid: The CID (Content Identifier) of the token
  • Response: Deal status for the specified CID

Example Request

curl --location ''